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Our Ex-members in the colonies are pretty busy. Kelly relocated to PDX. Since surviving a band with us old farts here he might have thought "Hey lets give it a try" and started a new band with people that could be Peter's and Ralf's parents. The band is called PIERCED ARROWS and consists of Kelly and Mr. and Mrs Cole of DEAD MOON
fame. Rock'and'Roll Baby! Of course Mr.H is also busy playing in about estimated 50% of all the bands in PDX and in the Portland/Austin monster SEVERED HEAD OF STATE.
Kieren, currently terrorizing the streets of Sydney wasn't lazy either. He is in a band called VAE VICTIS that has already two 7" out, finished a 2007 tour of Europe with partners in crime GIVE UP ALL HOPE
- with Peter being the Hero-Roadie/Driver - and a split 7" with those crazy dudes in the making for their upcoming tour of OZ.